Saturday, June 26, 2010

Temple in West Java

History of a temple in Indonesia is inseparable from the history of an empire, because the construction of a temple in the past was on the orders of a king or head of government that controls the area where the temple is located. Centuries, since the Dutch colonial period, almost no buildings of ancient relics found in West Java. Relics of the past who made a foothold in an attempt to explain in coherent history of the kingdoms in West Java, particularly Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms, during this form of inscriptions found in several places and ancient books, such as Jawadwipa Library, Library Rajyarajya i Bhumi Nusantara and Chu-fan-chi written by Chau Ju-kua (1178-1225) which is a record (book) is a description on the China Sunda.

One of these is the inscription prasati Interpreter Estuary Sand Pangambat or inscription (Saka 458 or 536 AD) found in the Sand Muara, Bogor explained about the refund of state government to the King of Sunda. Another inscription is a relic Elephant King Inscription Purnawarman palms which are also found in the Sand Estuary, which includes palm images of elephants and a description that describes a pair of foot trail is the property belongs to the ruler Tarumanagara elephant.

Ciaruteun inscriptions found in S. Ciaruteun, about 100 m from the estuary S. Cirateun to S. Cisadane and is a few hundred yards from where the discovery of inscriptions Pangambat Savior. Inscription Ciaruteun load images trace a pair of legs and written in Sanskrit language Palawa letter explaining that it belonged to trace your feet that controls the King Purnawarman Tarumanagara. According to information contained in the Library Rajyarajya i Bhumi Nusantara, King Purnawarman Tarumanegara ruled in 395-434 AD Coffee Kebon Inscription (942 AD) found in the former coffee plantation owned by Jonathan Rig in Ciampea, also not far from the discovery of inscriptions Pangambat Interpreter. An inscription was also found at the top of the Mount Koleangkak, Gintung Sand Village, Sub Leuwiliang. This inscription also includes a pair of foot picture and caption that these feet belong to the reign of King Purnawarman Taruma. There are still many other inscriptions that can be used as a source of information on the history of the kingdoms in West Java, such as the inscription Citatih (Cibadak, 1030 M), Inscription Cidanghiang (Lebak), and the inscription of Guava (bear; west of Bogor).

Based on the information in the stele and the books that exist, it is known that the kingdom was founded Rajadirajaguru Taruma Jayasingawarman in the year 358 AD The king died in 382 and was succeeded by his son, Dharmayawarman (382-395 AD). King is the next Tarumanegara Purnawarman (395-434 AD), who built a new royal capital, Sundapura, in the year 397 AD Kingdom Tarumanagara only 12 people suffered during the reign of the king. King Tarumanagara last, Linggawarman, replaced by-law in the year 669 AD

Pangambat inscriptions that describe the return of the Savior to the King reign in 536 AD created the Sunda, namely on Suryawarman reign (535-561 AD), King Tarumanagara to-7. In Library Jawadwipa mentioned that in Candrawarman reign (515-535 AD), father Suryawarman, many local authorities who receive back the power of government over the area as a reward for his loyalty to the Tarumanagara, like the handover of power by Suryawarman back. The return of these powers is an indication that Sundapura, which was originally a Tarumanagara capital, has changed its status into an empire. Thus, the central government Tarumanagara undergoes a displacement to another place.

In the year 670 AD, was split into two kingdoms Tarumanagara bounded by S. Citarum, namely the Kingdom of Sunda and the Kingdom Galuh. The kings who reigned in the Kingdom of Sunda is a descendant of Maharaja Tarusbawa, daughter of King Linggawarman. Tarusbawa king, who ruled the kingdom of Sunda until the year 723 AD, founded a new royal capital in a rural area near the Upper Cipakancilan.

In the year 732 AD King Tarusbawa replaced the title of King of Sunda King Harisdarma II. Raja Sunda-law of King II, who also conquered the kingdom Galuh Tarusbawa later and better known by the name of King Sanjaya. As heirs Kalinga Kalinga he later became the ruler of the North, called the Hindu Mataram, in Central Java, in the year 732 AD Power in West Java handed to his son, Rakai Panaraban. Son of King Sanjaya others, Rakai Panangkaran inherit power in the Hindu kingdom of Mataram.

Only about thirty years found some historical sites such as ruins of ancient buildings in several places in West Java. These findings include: Temple in Kampung Bojongmenje Bojongmenje, Cangkuang Village, Rancaekek district, Bandung regency (found on August 18, 2002); Temple Temple or Temple Ronggeng Pamarican Pamarican in District, County Ciamis (discovered in 1977); temple complex Batujaya in District Cibuaya Batujaya and in Karawang regency, as well as at the Village Temple Cangkuang Cangkuang, Leles Garut District. Although so far could not be ascertained when and by whom these temples was built, but the discovery of ruins of ancient buildings are new facts that can be used to reveal the history of kingdoms in West Java.

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