Saturday, July 10, 2010

Three Cabinet Ministers of Religion

KH Wahid Hasjim (1914-1953)

Kiai Haji Abdul Wahid Hasjim is a national hero, a member BPUPKI and formulator of Pancasila. Son KH. M. Hashim Ash'ari, the founder of the NU, was born in Jombang, East Java, June 1, 1914 and died in Cimahi, West Java, 19 April 1953 at the age of 38 years. Abdurrahman Wahid, his father was appointed Minister of Religious three cabinet (Hatta Cabinet, Cabinet and Cabinet Natsir Sukiman).

Former Chairman of Tanfidiyyah NU (1948) and the leader and the second caregiver Tebuireng Pesantren (1947-1950), was a reformist Islamic education and Islamic education Indonesia. He is also known as the founder of the IAIN (now UIN).

In 1939, he participated as a member of NU MIAI (Ala Indonesian Islamic Council), an organ of the party and the federation of Islamic organizations in the era of Dutch occupation. On October 24, 1943 he was elected Chairman of the Consultative Council of Indonesian Muslims (Masyumi) an organization replaces MIAI.

As leader of the Line of Masyumi he pioneered the establishment of an active Hezbollah helps Muslims realize the independence struggle. In 1944, she co-founded the Islamic High School (UIN) in Jakarta that parenting is handled by KH. A. Kahar Muzakkir. In 1945 he became a member BPUPKI and PPKI.

Wahid Hasjim died in a car accident in Cimahi April 19, 1953.

Bail Science
Hasjim Wahid was born from the fruit of love KH. M. Hashim-Ash'ari Nyai Nafiqah Kiai bint Ilyas (Madison) on Friday morning legi, 5 Awwal 1333 AH / June 1, 1914 AD His father initially gave him the name Muhammad Ash'ari, taken from the name of his grandfather. However, its name was changed to Abdul Wahid, was taken from a datuknya. He was the fifth child and first boy of 10 siblings.

His childhood is filled with parenting in Madrasah Tebuireng to USI 12 years. Since little has been active hobbies are reading and studying the sciences and culture kesustraan outodidak Arabic. He knows a lot of Arab poetry which was then compiled into a book.

At the age of 13 years, he had learned in Islamic boarding  House and Siwalan, Panji, Sidoarjo, during the 25 days, from the beginning of Ramadan until the 25th of Ramadan. Then it moved to boarding school Lirboyo, Kediri, a boarding school founded by KH. Abdul Karim, a friend and once his father's pupil.

Then, at the age of 15 years, he returned to Tebuireng and new to the Latin alphabet. Once familiar with the Latin alphabet, the spirit of learning increases. He studied earth science, foreign languages, mathematics, etc.. Also avid reader of newspapers and magazines, both Indonesian and Arabic-speaking.

He began to learn Arabic and Dutch when subscribing three languages, "Sources of Knowledge" Bandung. After that study English.

When he was only 18 years old, in 1932, Abdul Wahid went into the holy land of Mecca along with his cousin, Muhammad Ilyas. They both, in addition to running the pilgrimage, as well as deepen their knowledge nahwu, shorof, Fiqh, Tafseer and Hadith. He settled in the holy land during the two years.

Breakthrough Schools Curriculum
Returning from the holy land, he helped his father taught at the seminary. Also actively plunged into the midst of society. At the age of stepping on the 20s years, Kiai Wahid had helped his father arrange boarding school curriculum, wrote a reply letter from the scholars of his father's name in Arabic, represents the father in meetings with leaders.

In fact, as written in her profile on the website Pesantren Tebuireng - - when his father was sick, Abdul Wahid has replaced reading Sahih Bukhari, which is an annual study attended by scholars from various parts of Java and Madura.

He also made major breakthroughs in Tebuireng. He proposes to change the classical system with the tutorial system, and incorporates the general subject matter to a boarding school. However, this proposal was rejected by his father, for fear of causing problems among the leadership of the pesantren. But later in the year 1935, proposals regarding the establishment of Madrasah Nidzamiyah, where 70 percent of the curriculum contains a general subject matter, accepted by the father.

In 1936, Kiai Wahid founded the Islamic Students Association. He also established libraries (Library Tebuireng) which provides more than a thousand titles of books. These libraries also subscribe to magazines such as Panji Islam, the Islamic Council, NU News, Fair, Nurul Iman, Spreader Morale, Panji Pustaka, New Doctor, and others. This is the first breakthrough by any boarding schools in Indonesia.

Then, she married Munawaroh (better known as Sholichah), daughter of KH. Bisyri Sansuri (Denanyar Jombang) on Friday, 10 Syawal 1356 H./1936 M. At this wedding procession, he just left alone to Denanyar with only wear short-sleeved shirt and gloves. Not because no one wants to take, but he himself had left the entourage behind.

Wahid-Sholichah blessed marriage six sons and daughters, namely Abdurahman, Ayesha, Salahuddin, Umar, Lily Khodijah, and Muhammad Hashim.

Nine years later, in 1947, his father KH. M. Hashim Ash'ari meningal world. Kiai Wahid was elected by acclamation as a nanny Tebuireng replace his father. This choice is based on the agreement and the Banu Hashim family council of Ulama NU Jombang.

Sign NU and Establishes Masyumi

In the midst of busy managing Tebuireng, Kiai Wahid actively take charge of the NU. Starting a Branch Secretary Cukir NU, and then elected as Chairman of the Branch NU Jombang, 1938 and the NU Board Ma'arif (education), 1940. He is actively developing and reorganizing NU madrassas across Indonesia. He published Suluh NU Magazine and also writes in the voice of NU and NU News.

Then in 1946, Kiai Wahid was elected as Chairman of the NU Tanfidiyyah Shiddiq replace Kiai Ahmad who died.

In November 1947, with M. Wahid Hasyim Natsir pioneered the implementation of Indonesian Muslims Congress which was held in Jogjakarta. The congress decided the establishment of Consultative Council of Indonesian Muslims (Masyumi), as the only Islamic political party in Indonesia. Chairman of the general is his own father, Kiai Hasyim Ash'ari. But Kiai Hasyim delegated all duties to Wahid Hasyim.

In Masyumi affiliated national Islamic figures, such as the KH. Wahab Hasbullah, KH. Good Hadikusumo, KH. Abdul Halim, KH. Ahmad Sanusi, KH. Zainul Arifin, Mohammad Roem, dr. Sukiman, H. Agus Salim, Prawoto Mangkusasmito, Cokroaminoto Anwar, Mohammad Natsir, and others.

Since the early 1950s, NU came out of Masyumi and founded his own party. Kiai Wahid was elected as Chairman of the Party of the NU. This decision was taken in the 19th NU congress in Kilkenny (26-April-May 1, 1952). Personally, Kiai Wahid did not agree NU out of Masyumi. But it has become a joint decision, the Kiai Wahid's honor. Kiai Wahid's relationship with Masyumi figures remain well established.

National Heroes
In 1939, NU went to the Islamic Assembly A'la Indonesia (MIAI), a federation of parties and Islamic organizations in Indonesia. After the entry of NU, the reorganization and that's when Kiai Wahid was elected as chairman MIAI, in Congress on 14-15 September 1940 in Surabaya.

Under the leadership of Kiai Wahid, MIAI making a claim to the Dutch colonial government to revoke the status of Master Ordinance 1925 which severely restrict the activities of religious teachers. Together Gapi (Joint Political Party of Indonesia) and PVPN (Association of Government Employees), MIAI Rakyat Indonesia also formed a committee of Congress who demanded Indonesia National Parliament.

By the outbreak of World War II, the Dutch government requires that donor blood and Indonesia plan to form a civilian militia as preparation for World War. As chairman MIAI, Wahid Hasyim reject that decision.

When the Japanese government formed In Chuuo Sangi, a sort of Japanese Parliament, Kiai Wahid is believed to be members with leaders of other national movements, such as Ir. Soekarno, Dr. Mohammad Hatta, Mr. Sartono, M. Yamin, Ki Dewantara urination, Iskandar Dinata, Dr. Soepomo, and others. Through this position, Kiai Wahid managed to convince Japan to establish an Agency for Religious Affairs Bureau to collect the scholars.

In 1942, the Government of Japan caught Hadratusy Sayeikh Kiai Hasyim Ash'ari and held in Surabaya. Wahid Hasyim trying to free him by political lobbying. The result, in August 1944, Kiai Hasyim Ash'ari released. As compensation, the Government of Japan offered to be chairman Shumubucho, Director of the Department of Religion Center. Kiai Hasyim accept the offer, but for reasons of age and did not want to leave Tebuireng, the duties delegated to Kiai Wahid.

Together with the leaders of national movements (such as Sukarno and Hatta), Wahid Hasyim exploit his position for the preparation of independence. He set up the Ministry of Religious Affairs, and then persuade Japan to give a special military training to the students, and establish an independent public defense. This is the forerunner of the formation of Hezbollah and Sabilillah centurion who, along with PETA, the embryonic emergence of the Indonesian National Army (TNI).

On April 29, 1945, the Japanese government established Zyunbi Dokuritsu Tyooisakai or Business Investigation Agency Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI), and Wahid Hasyim become one of its members. He is the youngest of nine leaders of national leaders who signed the Jakarta Charter, a charter which gave birth to the proclamation and the state constitution. He managed to broker a fierce debate between nationalist faction that wanted a Unitary State, and the Islamic faction that wants a state based on Sharia law. At that time he also became an adviser Great Commander General Sudirman.

In the first cabinet formed by President Sukarno (September 1945), Kiai Wahid was appointed as Minister of State. Similarly, in the Cabinet Sjahrir 1946. When KNIP formed, Wahid Hasyim became one of its members representing Masyumi and rose to become a member BPKNIP 1946.

After the handover of sovereignty of Indonesia and the establishment of the RIS, the Cabinet Hatta 1950 he was appointed Minister of Religious Affairs. Office of the Minister of Religious Affairs continued to entrusted to him for three times the cabinet, namely the Cabinet Hatta, Natsir, and Cabinet Sukiman.
While serving as Minister of Religious Affairs, Kiai Wahid issued three decisions that very mepengaruhi Indonesian education system in the present, namely:
1. Issued Government Regulation dated January 20, 1950, which requires education and religious teaching in public school environments, both public and private.
2. Establishing Religious School Teacher and Judge in Malang, Banda Aceh, Bandung, Bukittinggi, and Yogyakarta.
3. Founded the Religious Affairs of Teacher Education (PGAN) in Tanjungpinang, Banda Aceh, Padang, Jakarta, Banjarmasin, Tanjungkarang, Bandung, Pamekasan, and Salatiga.
Other services is the establishment of the Islamic High Schools in Jakarta (1944), which is handled by KH parenting. Kahar Muzakkir. Then in 1950 the university decided the establishment of Islamic Affairs (PTAIN) which has become the IAIN / UIN / STAIN, and founded the Haj Committee of Indonesian container (PHI). Kiai Wahid also provide ideas to President Sukarno to establish the state as a mosque Istiqlal mosque.

In 1950, Kiai Wahid was appointed Minister of Religious Affairs and moved to Jakarta. Kiai Wahid's family lives in Jl. Java (now Jl. Cokroaminoto HOS) No. 112, and then in 1952 moved to Park West Matraman no. 8, near Masjid Jami 'Matraman.

Accidents at Cimindi
That day, Saturday, April 18, 1953, Kiai Wahid planned to go to Sumedang to attend a meeting of the NU. Kiai Wahid, accompanied by three people, namely the driver of the daily scene, Argo Sutjipto colleagues, and his first son, Ad-intimate Abdurrahman (Gus Dur). Kiai Wahid sat in the backseat with Argo Sutjipto. The area around that time Cimahi torrential rain so the road becomes slippery. Traffic was fairly crowded.

At around 13:00, when entering Cimindi, a region between Cimahi-Bandung, the car carrying Kiai Wahid skid and the driver could not control the vehicle. Behind many procession of cars. While from the front, a speeding truck that had stopped when he saw a car zig-zag. Because the Chevrolet car drove fast enough, the rear body of the truck with his hard hitting. When there is conflict, Kiai Wahid and Argo Sutjipto thrown down the truck that had stopped it. Both were badly injured. Kiai Wahid hurt the forehead, eyes, cheeks and neck. While the driver and Gus Dur is not the slightest injury. Only damaged the rear of his car and was still able to walk as before.

Kiai Hasyim and Argo Sutjipto then taken to the Hospital Boromeus Bandung. Since the accident, both unconscious. The next day, Sunday, 19 April 1953 10:30, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was summoned to the presence of God Almighty. the age of 39 years. Several hours later, precisely at 18:00 following the Argo Sutjipto facing the divine. LiLlahi wa Inna Inna ilayhi Raji'un.

Kiai Wahid's body was then taken to Jakarta, then flown to Surabaya, and subsequently brought to Jombang to be buried at a family funeral Tebuireng Pesantren. For his accomplishments he was also awarded the title of National Hero by the government. CRS

TokohIndonesia.Com (Encyclopedia of People of Indonesia)

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