Sunday, July 18, 2010

1965-bloody legacy of Stalinism

The Indonesian military coup of October 1-2, 1965 was the result of an operation that has long been carefully planned by the CIA and the military commanders who were trained by the U.S. military.

During the year 1965 disputes between classes increases. That year began with farmers seize ownership of large landowners and workers in enterprises of rubber and oil reserves owned by U.S. occupation action. President Sukarno has included military generals, led by General Nasution, and the leadership of the PKI into the cabinet to suppress this movement.

The PKI leadership managed to suppress the actions of the occupation, but the mass movement was becoming increasingly difficult to control. Anger growing mass Sell 23 farmers, with a penalty of 15 to 20 years, on charges of beating an army officer to death in defending themselves against a military operation to stop acts of land confiscation in Sumatra.

On the night of 30th September 1965, the CIA orchestrated provocation implemented. A group of middle officers, which at least one has a close connection with Suharto, detain and kill the army commander Lieutenant-General Ahmad Yani and five other top-level generals, and announced the formation of a Revolutionary Council.

The round up of the generals did not include two important people. The first was Suharto, who at the time was commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Command, composed of elite soldiers of the army. The rebels, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Luckily not the slightest attempt to capture or attack Suharto's command center in Jakarta, although he has the ability to implement this. Defence Minister, General Nasution, also escaped. He said as potential victims of this rebellion, but it can save themselves magically.

Fortunately, this is a revolt by a fake. Within 24 hours of Suharto could defeat the rebels, almost without a shot being fired, and took over control of the capital, backed by Nasution.

At the end of the week, which was formed by Suharto's command clears all pockets of resistance, and implement anti-communist massacre of the largest in history orchestrated by the U.S. Embassy and the CIA. Pentagon and CIA, which at that time was already fighting an undeclared war in Vietnam, Indonesia was determined to drown the revolution in blood.

U.S. diplomats and CIA officers, led by U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, Marshall Green, working with carpenters, butchers Suharto to exterminate every member and supporter of the PKI is known.

In preparation for this coup, U.S. officials have spent at least two years to make these death lists provided to the armed forces with clear instructions: kill them all. Suharto's Son-fruit was ordered to report back on any number of killings have been carried out so that the names of their victims can be matched with names on the lists.

Some U.S. officers say the following-as well as recently what happened. "That was a big help to the army," said a former political officer at the U.S. Ambassador in Jakarta, Robert Martens. "They may kill many people and I might have blood on my hands, but that's not all bad."

"Sometime you have to strike hard at the right time."

Martens led the CIA and officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the U.S. embassy, which from the year 1962, compiled a detailed anyone who sat in the leadership of the PKI. That includes the names of PKI members of committees at the provincial, city and other local and union leaders, labor unions supported the PKI, and union-union women and youth.

The operation was masterminded by former CIA director William Colby, who at the time was director of CIA's East Asia Division, and with it being responsible for directing U.S. covert strategy in Asia. Colby said that seeking knowledge on PKI leadership was a workout for the Phoenix program in Vietnam, which attempted to exterminate supporters of the National Liberation Front in the late 1960s.

Colby admitted that checking the names on the lists of death was regarded as so important that it was overseen by the CIA's intelligence directorate in Washington. "We conclude that the treatment is cruel like that, PKI has experienced a major setback."

Deputy CIA station chief described with undisguised relish how hidden Suharto's headquarters in Jakarta provided the U.S. embassy report on the roundup and killing of PKI leaders. "We get a good account in Jakarta of who was covered. The army had a 'shooting list' of about 4.000 up to 5.000 people.

"They did not have enough troops to destroy them all, and some individuals were valuable for interrogation. The basic framework of their organization has collapsed almost immediately. We know what they're doing. We know that they will save some for their pretended courts, but Suharto and his advisors say if you keep them alive, you have to feed them. "

All this is done with the approval of the Green, which after it was sworn in as U.S. ambassador to Australia, where he played an important role in the dissolution of the Whitlam government in 1975.

At least one million people slaughtered in the six months that followed the coup. This is the estimate of a group of graduates of the University of Indonesia which is ruled by the army itself to inquire into the expansion of these killings.

Instigated and assisted by the army, youth groups from Muslim organizations and right wing doing the mass killings, especially in Central Java and East Java. There are reports that the Brantas River near Surabaya to be full of bodies up in certain places the river is "unstoppable corpse." Another report says that at Batu in East Java were so many killed in the small courtyard at a police station there until the bodies were buried under the cement.

On the island of Bali, which before was considered a stronghold of CPI, at least 35.000 people were affected at the beginning of 1966. There the Tamin, an elite commando Sukarno's Indonesian National Party, was the perpetrator killings. A special correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung told of the corpses by the roadside or dumped into the excavation, excavation and about half of the villages were burned where farmers do not dare to leave their homes skeletons that have been charred.

In other areas, the defendants were forced to kill their friends to prove their loyalty. In big cities hunting-hunting anti-Chinese place. Workers and government employees who went on strike in protest over the events of this counter-revolutionary fired.

At least 250,000 workers and peasants were imprisoned in concentration camps. It is estimated that approximately 110 000 people still imprisoned as political prisoners by the end of 1969. Executions are still carried out till now, including several dozen since the 1980s. Recently, four prisoners, Johannes Surono Hadiwiyino, Safar Suryanto, Simon Peter Sulaeman and Norbertus Rohayan, sentenced to death nearly 25 years after the coup, a clear sign that the resurrection of the Suharto regime still scare Indonesian proletariat and poor peasants.

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