Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Technique of Teaching Speaking at Third Semester of English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Islamic University of Malang

Kusairi, Achmad. 2010. The Technique of Teaching Speaking at Third Semester of English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Islamic University of Malang. Skripsi, English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Islamic University of Malang. Advisor I: Drs. Yahya Alaydrus, M.Pd., Advisor II: Drs.Marzuki., M.Pd

Key words: Technique, Speaking, Teaching, Evaluation, Achievement
            In this study the researcher discusses about the technique of teaching speaking at third semester of English education department faculty of teacher training and education Islamic university of Malang, because the researcher want to find out the technique of teaching speaking, the evaluation student’s achievement and the student speaking achievement at third semester of UNISMA.
            The design of this study is Descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The subject of this study consists of speaking lecturer and 30 students of A class at third semester of UNISMA. The instruments selected to collect the data were Interview guide, Classroom Observation checklist, and documentation. The Interview was designed to collect the data from the teacher. Classroom Observation used to find the data about the techniques of teaching speaking and Documentation used to see the students’ speaking achievement.
            The result of this study, the lecturer used many kinds of techniques in teaching speaking, such as; Discussion, Re-Tell Stories, Game and Presentation. The lecturer evaluated the students' activities related to the techniques used in teaching English speaking in the classroom. In this case the lecturer evaluates fluency of language, grammar, vocabulary, accent and comprehension.
Besides to know more about the student’s achievement, on the middle test the lecturer evaluated fluency of language, grammar, vocabulary, accent and comprehension of the students by using oral test. The result was shown that the students of A class at third semester of UNISMA were 81.6. Therefore, related to the classification of the mean speaking achievement score used by the lecturer training and education faculty at UNISMA, it can be concluded that the achievement of the students third semester in speaking subject was Excellent. It indicated that the lecturer of speaking class of A class at third semester of UNISMA were good work.
            Based on these result, it is suggested that the lecturer should look for other techniques to improve speaking skill students, weather in the class or out class. So that the teaching learning process of speaking will be perfect.

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