Sunday, July 21, 2013

Improving Speaking Skill by Using Group Investigation Technique at the Grade Eight Students of SMP Wahid Hasyim Malang

Sirajudin.2010. Improving Speaking Skill by Using Group Investigation Technique at the Grade Eight Students of SMP Wahid Hasyim Malang. Skripsi, English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Islamic University of Malang. Advisor I: Drs. Yahya Alaidrus, M.Pd. Advisor II: Drs. Marzuki, M.Pd.
Key Words: Technique, Teaching, Speaking, Group Investigation.
            The students at the grade eight students of SMP Wahid Hasyim Malang faced some problems of speaking, especially the grade eight B. Based on the researcher’s experience as a teacher when practice teaching and the results of preliminary study, it was revealed that the students were not confident to speak English, because they were shy to speak English due to the lack vocabulary and fluency, they hesitated to speak English because they thought that their English was not good enough.
            The objective of the study was to implement using group investigation technique to improve the student’s speaking skill. In conducting the research, there were two components expected to be improved, they were improving the students’ speaking score and increasing the quality of classroom atmosphere of teaching speaking. The implementation of group investigation expected improve students’ speaking score. They were accent, fluency, grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, and relevance of content or ideas. The implementation of the research also focused on the classroom. The classroom atmosphere concerned on two components. They were students participation and students’ performance.   
            This study employed the collaborative classroom action research and it was done in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four stage: (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. There were four meetings in cycle I; three meetings for the implementation of group investigation in the teaching of speaking and one meeting for conducting speaking test. In Cycle II there were three meetings; two meeting for the implementation of group investigation and one meeting for conducting speaking test. The instrument used to collect the data were: (1) observation checklist, (2) field-note, (3) score sheet, and (4) questionnaire.
            The result of the research showed that the criteria of success had been reached. There were two aspects determined as the success criteria of the implementation of group investigation in the teaching speaking; score improvement and classroom atmosphere. The result of speaking test presented that the students had made some progress. In the first cycle, the average score was 69,27. It meant that the research was still unsuccessful because the score was still under 70 which was used as the criteria of successful. Then, the second cycle was conducted and the average score was 78,71. It meant that the research was successful so the research stopped. The classroom atmosphere were also increasing positively; the students were actively involved in the teaching and learning. Process. The students were also highly motivated in joining the teaching learning process. They cooperated, asked, responded, and shared idea in their group.
            The procedures of group investigation are: Firstly, the teacher presents a multi-faceted problem to the class, and the students choose an interest group. Secondly, groups plan their investigation the procedures, tasks and goals consistent with the chosen subtopic. Thirdly, groups carry out the investigation as planned in the step. Fourthly, group plan their presentation. Fifthly, groups conducted the presentation, and the last the teacher and the students evaluate the investigation and resulting presentations.    
            Finally the researcher suggests that improving speaking skill by using group investigation can stimulate the students to be more active in speaking skill and the result of this study is expected to give contribution for further research. Moreover, the researcher found that the activity was successful since the activity in classroom during the research was running well, enjoyable, full and optimistic for the students.

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