Sunday, July 21, 2013

Teaching English using Pictures to Students of SMA Wahid Hasyim Malang

Nikmah, Ririn Khoirin. Teaching English using Pictures to Students of SMA Wahid Hasyim Malang. Skripsi. English Educational Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Islamic Universtiy of Malang. Advisor I : Moehnilabib,MA, advisor II: Muhammad Yunus, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

Key Word: pictures, technique, speaking skill

“English”, this word is not strange in our ears. Especially in Indonesia which is called developing country. Indonesia uses English not only as a means of communication, but also in every sector and level.  Nowadays, English is taught in every educational level, including senior high school. Learning English is aimed at preparing students to have skills of English in order to continue their study at higher levels. The problem in this study was: Does the use of pictures develop the English speaking ability of students of SMA Wahid Hasyim Malang?
      The goal of the study was to improve the speaking ability of Senior High School students by using pictures. By using this way the researcher hopes that the result of students’ achievement will be better than before. This study is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The goal of the study is to improve the speaking ability of SMA Wahid Hasyim students of the XI grade by using pictures. The research was conducted in a cyclic process starting from, action planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. This technique was implemented in the two cycles of classroom action research. The data analysis used quantitative data and qualitative data. The quantitative data were obtained from the test and questionnaire; the qualitative data was obtained from observation of the teaching and learning process, the students’ answers, and the researcher field-notes.
After implementing cycle II, the criteria of success has been fulfilled. It means that the students’ speaking achievement is better than before. It is related to the student active participation, student interest, student enjoyment during English learning using pictures. It also reveals that the student achievement in the second test with the mean score 73 is better than the mean score in the first test 69.9. The questionnaire also proves that the students are interested in learning English after using pictures. The students’ active involvement also increases; in the first cycle only some students were very active during the activities but in the second cycle all of the students are very active.
After using pictures with moving pictures activities the speaking ability of the students in the XI grade at SMA WAHID HASYIM Malang developed. Asking and answering questions from the pictures make the students enrich their vocabulary. Beside that the students talk active by show their idea based on the pictures in front of the class. Students enjoy learning English by using pictures. The class becomes alive and cooperative because all of the students participated in these activities. By using pictures the situation of learning English in the class better than before.
Based on these result, it is suggested that the teacher be creative in the teaching and learning process. Teaching English using pictures can improve the speaking ability of students. The researcher hopes that this technique will be useful for the teaching and learning process, especially the teaching of speaking.

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