Sunday, July 21, 2013

Improving English Vocabulary through Topic-Based Learning at the Fifth Grade Students of SDN 01 Brongkal Pagelaran Malang

Nama                               : Sumiyati
NPM                               :
Jurusan/Program Studi    : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Judul Skripsi                   : Improving English Vocabulary through Topic-Based Learning at the Fifth Grade Students of SDN 01 Brongkal Pagelaran Malang.


Key words: English Vocabulary, Topic-Based Learning.

Teaching English in elementary school is not easy as teaching English in secondary school. The way of presenting the material must be fun and interesting in order that the students interest and enjoy learning. In teaching English vocabulary to achieve the objective the study, the students need some special strategy that can make to motivate and improve their English vocabulary without ignoring the essential purpose of the study. Then, the researcher is interested in presenting Topic-Based Learning strategy at the fifth grade students of SDN 01 Brongkal Pagelaran Malang, as bases of this study. The use of Topic-Based as strategy in teaching English is to improve English vocabulary in the class B of the fifth grade students of SDN 01 Brongkal Pagelaran Malang, because they get difficulties in remembering the meaning of the vocabulary. The research problem of this study is “How can the Topic-Based Learning improve English vocabulary of the fifth grade students at SDN 01 Brongkal Pagelaran Malang?”.
This study is classroom action research, it was held at the fifth grade students of SDN 01 Brongkal Pagelaran Malang. In conducting this clasroom action research was used in the cycle, this cycle consist of four phases, that are: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subject is class B of the fifth grade students at SDN 01 Brongkal Pagelaran Malang. There are 30 students. To record the teaching learning process, the researcher used the observation sheet, field notes, interview and the test to find the students’ achievement.
The result of study was teaching English by using topic-based as strategy has positive result. This activity make the students are interesting and the situation in the class is alive and enjoyment. It proved that topic-based can improve English vocabulary and they felt enjoy and more active in the class because they are interested to join the subject, especially in memorize vocabulary. The result of test is high, 83% who successes from the minimum mastery learning standard at SDN 01 Brongkal Pagelaran Malang. Then, the average score after the implementation of topic-based learning strategy was 74.2. By good lesson plan, the teaching and learning process run well. Therefore, their involvement increases when they studied by using topic-based. The students also felt enjoy and more active during learning process when they learned in the classroom during through topic-based.
Finally, for other English teachers, using Topic based learning is a great way for children to learn because it is easy for students to memorize vocabulary and attract their interest using Topic based learning. Unlike more traditional methods of teaching topic based learning makes the whole process more active and also interesting. Therefore, the students are relax and never bored in the class during teaching and learning process although they should memorize vocabulary harder than before.

Malang, 10 Augustus 2010


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